Visiting Hours:
Oakland Cemetery is open to the public daily from sunrise to sunsetÂ
Rules concerning lots and lot owners:
1. No lot shall be used for any other purpose than as a place for human remains. The grade of all lots shall be determined by the Cemetery Sexton. 2. Heirs or assigns of lot owners must prove their rights to the satisfaction of the Board President before their orders for interments will be accepted. Lot owners may dispose of their lots by will, subject to the rules of the Cemetery; otherwise ownership and the right to give orders for burial shall follow according to the laws of the descent of the State of Illinois. 3. Wooden or iron fences, copings, posts connected with bars, hedges, hanging baskets, and Shepard hooks are prohibited. 4. Lot owners shall not have the right to plant trees, shrubs, flowers, of plants on their lots. 5. If any structure or any inscription be placed in or upon any lot which shall be determined offensive, improper or injurious to the surrounding lots or ground, the Cemetery Directors shall have the right and duty to enter upon such lot and remove or cause the removal of the said offensive or improper objects. 6. Graves may be decorated with ground flowers during the months of November, December, January, and February. During the remainder of the calendar year only decorations that are attached to the grave markers are allowed. All ground flowers should be removed no later than March 15th for the mowing season. Flowers remaining will be discarded. 7. Orders for disinterment or removal will be approved by the Cemetery Directors. 8. Objects made of glass, wire, tin, etc. are prohibited in the cemetery as they are a danger to personnel and equipment.
Rules for visitors:
1. Fast or reckless driving is not allowed on the grounds. Automobiles and trucks are not allowed to leave the roadway. No off road vehicles or horses are allowed on the cemetery grounds. 2. All persons are prohibited from writing upon, defacing, or injuring any monument, enclosure or structure in or belonging to the cemetery. 3. The caretaker and assistants are instructed to prohibit any person from disturbing the quit and good order of the cemetery by noise or other improper conduct, or found violating any rules, and will be compelled to tell the violator(s) to leave the grounds immediately. Discharging of firearms or fireworks is strictly prohibited with the exception of military services. 4. The caretaker and assistants are charged to see that all Rules and Regulations are observed, and any persons found damaging property on the cemetery are to help restore such to its former condition, and that all violators are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 5. All visitors with pets are required to clean up after them.
Rules concerning interments: 1. No double depth adult graves will be allowed. 2. Outer burial container is required for all sets of remains, with the exception of infants up to one year of age. These containers must be made of concrete. 3. Burial of cremated remains do not require an outer burial container. 4. Up to 3 sets of cremated remains may be buried in one grave. Each set of cremated remains will be buried in its own container. 5. Cremated remains may be inurned on the same grave as buried remains; however, buried remains may only be interred on empty graves.
Rules concerning monuments: 1. No markers or monuments shall be placed in the cemetery without notification of the Cemetery Directors or Sexton. 2. All markers and monuments are subject to the approval of the Cemetery Directors whose duty it shall be to see that all foundations are made substantial. 3. All foundations must be made of concrete and be a minimum depth of 32 inches and should be flush with the ground. 4. Without exception, monuments are not allowed to be placed in the burial aisle or walkway. 5. Above ground mausoleums and ground level crypts will be permitted in designated areas of the cemetery and will be voted on by the board.
Suggestions: 1. The cemetery rules are not made to interfere with your rights; they are imposed to protect the interest of all lot owners and to promote general harmony to the benefit of all. 2. Please ensure that you notify the office of the Cemetery Board or Sexton if you inherit a lot or wish to transfer ownership. An order for interment could be delayed if records do not reflect the true ownership.